Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding dumping of debris in rivers Chenab and Tawi during the four laning of NH, Jammu & Kashmir, 09/01/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Amresh Singh Vs Union of India & Others dated 09/01/2020 regarding pollution in the course of four laning of National Highway from Udhampur to Banihal in Jammu and Kashmir by the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) through Gammon India Limited and the Hindustan Construction Co. Ltd.

It has come to the notice of the NGT that muck and debris continues to be dumped into the river Chenab and Tawi without any safeguards and photographs in support of the allegations have been filed by the applicant.
The NGT directed that remedial action be taken and compliance status crossed checked by the Committee appointed by the Tribunal and further reports filed within one month.