Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution of Kharicut Canal, Khari river, Khera District, Gujarat, 17/01/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ajitsinh Bhurubha Vaghela & Inhabitants of several Villages of Kheda Taluka, Distt. Kheda Vs State of Gujarat dated 17/01/2020 regarding controlling untreated industrial effluents discharged in Kharicut Canal which is a tributary of Khari River in District Khera, Gujarat. Illegal bore-wells are said to have been dug without permission of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) affecting the water level. Sewage from STPs set up by Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation was overflowing into the river.

After going through the reports filed by the Central Pollution Control Board and the state of Gujarat, the Tribunal was of the view that further remedial action needs to be taken expeditiously and further report filed by the GPCB as well as by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. Justice B.C. Patel, former Chief Justice of High Court of Delhi has been requested to oversee the steps taken by the authorities. Justice Patel would be assisted by the CPCB and GPCB and he has to submit an independent report in the matter by April 10, 2020. The Tribunal may consider the issue of compensation on ‘Polluter Pays’ principle, direction for prosecution and action against erring officers after considering the reports.