Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding waste management by the armed forces, 11/02/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Air Marshal Anil Chopra (Report on Environmental Issues, Waste Management- Armed Forces, General issues of Cantonements and lists major military stations and Cantonments of all the state) dated 11/02/2020 regarding compliance of environmental norms by the armed forcese.
The applicant a retired Air Marshal stated that some of the establishments of the armed forces lacked requisite knowledge on ecological issues and solution to the environmental challenges particularly in virgin areas. The waste was generated by military weapons, domestic, industrial, biological, hospital and electronic activities (e-waste) which needs to be scientifically disposed of in the interest of public health and environment. Such problems may also be faced in desert and marine areas which need to be monitored at an appropriate level. In May 2019 the Tribunal asked the Ministry of Defence to file a status report in the matter after ascertaining the relevant facts and status of compliance of environmental norms from different concerned establishments within three months.
But till February 2020 no report was filed. The NGT expressed its unhappiness at the delay in filing of the report and said coercive measures have become necessary against the concerned Joint Secretary and directed the Defence secretary to provide the name of the "erring Joint Secretary" within two weeks.