Report on solid waste, bio-medical waste and STP in Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh
Report of the oversight committee with regard to management of solid waste, bio-medical waste and STP in district Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh made public on Februry 27, 2020.
The committee report made some recommendations which include:

- New proposed "waste to energy" plant should be installed within the time frame to mitigate the pollution caused by municipal solid waste generated from Varanasi city and it should be included in the master plan.
- 4 waste to energy plant should be made operational so that the energy generated from the process be utilized and the ash/compost be used as organic manure.
- To install ETP for treatment of leachates generated during rainy season from the dump sites.
- Policy required for disposal of legacy waste and its leachate which is reported to be more than 6 lac MT in Varanasi.
- Untapped drains discharging directly into river Varuna (a minor tributory of Ganga river) in the form of liquid waste should be stopped.
- The treated sewage of each and every STP should be utilized for irrigation and for dust suppression after achieving the prescribed standards.