Report on Ramprastha Saare Township flouting environmental norms, 27/11/2019
Compliance of directions of National Green Tribunal in OA No 688/2019 and 908/2019 Aditya Jakhar Vs State of Haryana dated 27/11/2019. The report was uploaded on March 5, 2020. The matter relates to prosecution action under section 43/44 of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 against M/s Ramprastha Saare Township (group housing complex) in village Wazirpur Meoka, Gurugram as the parameters exceeded the permissible limits.

The Haryana State Pollution Control Board submitted a report on the matter of environmental compensation against M/s Ramprastha Saare Township. The domestic effluent collected from the outlet of STP was found to be exceeding the prescribed limits. It was clear that the project was not operating STP properly and discharging the effluent without proper treatment as per the Central Pollution Control Board norms. Thus, the project was liable to pay the environmental compensation.