Ministry of Road Transport and Highways response on vehicle scrapping policy, 04/02/2020
Response by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) to the National Green Tribunal order of November 19, 2019 in the Original Application No. 807/2018 and 996/2018.

The NGT had directed the Ministry to submit status on the formulation of vehicle scrapping policy. Ministry informed the Tribunal that a draft note for Cabinet on creation of eco-system for scrapping of older vehicles for transition to environment friendly vehicles for inter-ministerial consultation was circulated on October 30, 2019. The comments and inputs received from various ministries and departments were examined and a final note for the Cabinet was being formulated.
The draft guidelines for setting up, authorization and operation of vehicle scrapping centres has been uploaded on MoRTH website for public comments and suitably modified keeping in mind the public comments and inputs. A formal notification would be issued under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 after approval of the Cabinet.
Note: Report uploaded on March 12, 2020