MPFD Working Paper on Asia-Pacific Small Island Developing States: Development challenges and policy solutions
Asia-Pacific small island developing States (SIDS), are a diverse group, despite the broad perception to the contrary. Nevertheless, although they differ in size of landmass, population, national economies and the level of development, they share common development challenges. Those challenges can be classified as economic (small sized, undiversified economies, remotely located and exposed to external shocks), environmental (existential threats related to climate change and environmental degradation), political (ethnic conflicts and political instability) and social (violence towards vulnerable groups). Some of the challenges – such as environmental and economic vulnerabilities – cannot be addressed without concerted efforts and the support of the international community. This support is framed within the United Nations’ programmes of action, and more specifically, the SAMOA Pathway for SIDS (2014-2024) and the Istanbul Programme of Action for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) (2011-2021).