Adapting the use of Asycuda World to the Covid-19 Situation: Guidelines to Customs Administrations
The COVID-19 pandemic is profoundly altering the manner in which individuals engage in work activities and go about their daily lives. The global supply chains are expected to experience significant disruptions, including through reductions in trade volumes, declines in foreign direct investment, lower consumer goods demand, a reduction in commodity prices, and general economic decline in particular for vulnerable developing countries. The ASYCUDA World (AW) system is well-equipped to assist Customs and cross-border agencies in scaling-up necessary actions to better deal with this pandemic by adopting policies and procedures to prevent, and/or limit transmission of the virus in their respective work environments, while at the same time ensuring the smooth functioning of cross border trade. The automated support provided by AW affords Customs, cross-border agencies and traders to electronically submit and exchange data and documentation, and computerize procedures to expedite the clearance of imports, exports, transits and other trade transactions, thereby reducing to a great extent the need for face-to-face interaction. ASYCUDA is committed to continue supporting partner countries to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and recover strongly from the pandemic.