ICNARC report on COVID-19 in critical care
This report presents analyses of data on patients critically ill with confirmed COVID-19 reported to ICNARC up to 4 pm on 07 May 2020 from critical care units participating in the Case Mix Programme (the national clinical audit covering all NHS adult, general intensive care and combined intensive care/high dependency units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, plus some additional specialist and non-NHS critical care units). To date, ICNARC have been notified of 10,758 admissions for critical care with confirmed COVID-19, either at or after the start of critical care, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Of these, early data covering the first 24 hours of critical care have been submitted to ICNARC for 9830 admissions for 8250 patients. Of the 8250 patients, 6143 have outcomes reported and 2107 patients were last reported as still receiving critical care.