Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding land encroachment and waste dumping on government land, Hastsal, Delhi, 20/05/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Federation of Vikas Nagar Residents Welfare Association Versus State of GNCTD & Others dated 20/05/2020.

A factual and action taken report was sought from the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC), Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), Delhi Jal Board (DJB) and Sub Divisional Magistrate, Dwarka with reference to the grievance that there was a violation of environmental norms on account of dumping of garbage and sewage by hawkers as well as vehicles at the land belonging to Irrigation and Flood Department near Najafgarh drain, division – I, Hastsal, New Delhi – 110059 at Vikas Nagar i.e. Shiv Vihar, Lines Enclave, Rajhans Vihar, A, B, C, D, E, F Blocks Green Avenue, Vihar East Bhim Enclave Mehta Enclave and Marble Block. Regular burning of garbage was also taking place including plastic and toxic waste material.
Accordingly, report dated 18.03.2020 has been filed by the DPCC to the effect that remedial action has been taken in the matter. In view of above,the NGT disposed of the case.