National Infrastructure Pipeline- Volume-II
Infrastructure investment in India between fiscals 2013 and 2017 was estimated at Rs 57 lakh crore ($ 1.1 trillion at different annual exchange rates). The infrastructure investment was Rs ~36 lakh crore (at current prices) during fiscals 2013-17 or ~5.8% of gross domestic product (GDP). As per estimates, the total infrastructure spend in fiscals 2018 and 2019 was Rs 10.2 lakh crore and Rs 10 lakh crore, respectively. In terms of shares, infrastructure investments between fiscals 2013 and 2019 were predominantly made by the public sector, i.e., Centre and state governments (~70%), while the share of private sector has been ~30%. This split between the public and private sector is in sync with the rest of the world. Power, roads and bridges, telecommunications, railways, irrigation and urban accounted for ~95% of the infrastructure investment in this period. Centre and states were the major funding sources for power and roads, with a moderate participation from the private sector. Telecommunication investments were largely driven by private sector, while investments in irrigation sector were predominantly made by the states.