Compendium Of Guidelines, Advisories & Orders Volume-II January 2020
National Tiger Conservation Authority has been constituted under the Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2006. Further section 38 O of the Act empowers to exercise the powers conferred on and to perform the functions assigned to it under the said Act for Tiger Conservation. Salient powers and functions of the National Tiger Conservation Authority as envisaged under Section 38 O includes approval of the Tiger Conservation Plan, providing support to Tiger Reserve management, Evaluation and assessment of various aspects of sustainable ecology, Laying down normative standards for tourism activities & guidelines for Project Tiger and Approving & co-coordinating research and monitoring on tiger, co-predators, prey & habitat. The National Tiger Conservation Authority, in the exercise of its powers and performance of its functions has issued certain directions, guidelines, protocols and Technical documents dealing with scientific management of Tiger Reserves in specific and tiger management in general. First Volume of Compendium released by National Tiger Conservation included all such Guidelines, Orders, Advisories, and notifications issued till 2010. Present volume of compendium not only includes all these important Guidelines, Protocols and orders issued after that, but also excerpts of certain judgments pronounced by Hon’ble Supreme Court and High Courts related to tiger reserve and tiger conservation.