Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding waste management at Bharampuram Solid Waste Processing Plant, Kochi, Kerala, 03/07/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of non-compliance of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 (SWM Rules, 2016) causing huge pollution at Bharampuram Solid Waste Processing Plant on the outskirts of Kochi city in Kerala affecting environment and public health.

Report filed by Justice A.V Ramakrishna Pillai, former Judge, Kerala High Court on February 22, 2020 points to continuing violation of law. Another report filed on June 16, 2020 by the Kerala State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) said that e-tender floated for legacy waste by the municipal corporation was cancelled. Further, the entire quantity of non biodegradable waste was collected and transported from Kochi Corporation and disposed in the two sheds and nearby open yard of Brahmapuram plant and only 1% of plastic waste was segregated from the above and given to recyclers.
The NGT called the steps taken on the matter as inadequate and said that unscientific handling of waste management could lead to serious adverse consequences. The Tribunal directed KSPCB to take effective steps in the matter on a day to day basis and a further report filed before August 4, 2020.