CGWA report on illegal groundwater extraction in NCT of Delhi, 25/06/2020
Report by Central Groundwater Authority (CGWA) in OA No. 685 of 2019 in the matter of Rakesh Kumar Vs GNCTD in compliance of National Green Tribunal order of May 15, 2020. The report deals with remedial action against falling groundwater levels in the NCT of Delhi. The NGT had directed for devising suitable effective mechanisms for preventing extraction of groundwater by way of unauthorized tubewells and wherever such illegalities are found, prompt coercive measures should be taken.

The CGWA informed the Tribunal that it had passed a order on May 25, 2020 directing all the Deputy Commissioners of the all the nine districts of NCT of Delhi to ensure that the directions issued by CGWA for implementation of scheme of Groundwater Recharge and Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting as well as directions issued by CGWA regarding exploitation and sale of groundwater in NCT of Delhi are implemented without fail. Deputy Commissioners shall on receipt of complaints of violations under the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, would identify the investigating officers and assign them the task of investigation of violations and upon establishment of violation, launch prosecution against the offenders in the court of local jurisdiction by way of filing a criminal complaint or authorize the local Station House Officer of area police station to register an FIR against the violations and the violators.
Note: The report of June 25, 2020 was uploaded to the NGT site on July 9, 2020