CPCB report on distance criteria for stone quarrying, 09/07/2020
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) report in the matter of M. Haridasan & Others Vs State of Kerala dated 09/07/2020 regarding distance criteria for permitting stone quarrying.
The National Green Tribunal in OA No. 304/2019, in order dated February 28, 2020 noted that "a report has been filed by the Kerala State PCB on 17.12.2019 reitreating the distance criteria of 50 mtrs, and mentioning that no study is available with the CPCB", and the NGT expressed that "we are of the view, as earlier observed that the distance of 50 mtrs for stone quarry, particularly when blasts are involved, is highly inadequate and can have deleterious effect on noise and air pollution, environment and public health." and directed the CPCB to examine and lay down more stringent conditions and appropriately longer distance within one month and convey the same to the State Boards.

In compliance to the NGT order of February 28, 2020, the CPCB examined the matter and prepared the report on Distance Criteria for Permitting Stone Quarrying and forwarded it to SPCBs/PCCs vide email dated May 12, 2020. The CPCB has recommended a minimum distance of 100 meters, when blasting was not involved from residential, public buildings, inhabited sites, protected monuments, public roads, railway lines, bridges, dams, reservoirs, rivers, lakes or any other locations to be considered by states. Whe blasting was involved, CPCB has said that a minimum distance of 200 meters from residential buildings and others be followed.
The CPCB also added that if any states were already following a stringent criteria than the one that CPCB proposed for minor mineral mining, the same should be applicable.
Note: The report was uploaded to the NGT site on July 20, 2020