Inclusive development for and with persons with disabilities
The present report, submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 73/142, provides an overview of the situation of persons with disabilities, including in the light of the global response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis, recovery and building back better towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable world. The adverse impact of the COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities, exposing the extent of exclusion experienced by persons with disabilities and the imperative that the disability inclusion should be an integral part of crisis response, recovery and building back better. In the report, the Secretary-General reflects on progress made by Member States, the United Nations system and other stakeholders in implementing and monitoring the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for persons with disabilities. He further discusses opportunities and challenges in advancing towards the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals for all, including persons with disabilities, and concludes with policy recommendations to further accelerate progress in realizing the 2030 Agenda by, for and with persons with disabilities.

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