Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding dumping of waste in the wetlands of Jammu & Kashmir, 27/08/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Raja Muzaffar Bhat Vs State of Jammu and Kashmir & Others dated 27/08/2020. The issue for consideration is prevention of unscientific dumping of waste and encroachment of Hokersar Wetland, Wular Lake and Kreentchoo-Chandhara Wetland in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir.

A joint report filed by the Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Board Department of Wildlife Protection and Deputy Commissioners of Budgam, Srinagar and Bandipora on August 18, 2020 mentioned the progress achieved with respect to conservation measures taken in Hokersar Wetland Conservation Reserve, Wular lake and Kreentchoo-Chandhara Wetland Conservation Reserve.
The applicant - Raja Muzaffar Bhat also filed response to the report giving certain suggestions.
The NGT directed that further action be taken by th joint Committee headed by the Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir. Also, suggestions given by the applicant be considered and acted upon, to the extent found viable. Directions were also given to the National Wetlands Committee to compile data of status of compliance of environmental norms in respect of all significant wetlands in the country to ensure remedial action. The State PCBs/PCCs and State/UT Wetland Authorities in India may give the status of management of wetlands in their respective States to the Secretary, MoEF&CC within three months. On that basis a joint Committee of the Secretary and Chairman CPCB may give a consolidated report to this Tribunal before January 21, 2021.