Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal mining in district Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh, 13/10/2020
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Chaudhary Yashwant Singh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 13/10/2020. Issue for consideration was the remedial action against the illegal operation of stone crushers and mining by M/s Maihar Stone, M/s Jai Maa Bhandari Stone, M/s Jyoti Stone, M/s Vaishono Stone and M/s Guru Kripa Associates in district Sonebhadra.

The reports filed by the Joint Committee comprising representative of Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) and District Magistrate Sonebhadra acknowledged that illegal mining was taking place in violation of environmental norms. The NGT in its order December 19, 2019 directed that steps be taken to cancel the environment clearance (EC) for violation of EC conditions and compensation be recovered on ‘Polluter Pays’ principle. The court also directed a restoration plan to be prepared utilizing the amount of compensation recovered.
In furtherance to the NGT order, a report dated October 9, 2020 was filed by the UPPCB. The report informed the Tribunal that the issue of compensation had been finalized. The NGT directed the state PCB to proceed further with the restoration process and disposed of the application.