Annexures attached to the minutes of the meeting on coke oven units of Meghalaya, 15/01/2021
Record of minutes of twenty fourth sitting of the Committee constituted by the NGT under the Chairmanship of Justice B. D. Agarwal on August 3, 2020 to consider the report submitted by the North East Regional Directorate of Central Pollution Control Board on coke oven units of Meghalaya.
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) did an audit of the sources of coal being utilized by the coke oven industries in Meghalaya.
The report by the CPCB stated that nearly 20 industries are using Meghalaya coal though its purchase and transportation have been banned by the NGT and the Supreme Court. Further, the Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board submitted that they have issued Consent to Operate (CTO) only to four units. Clearance to establish has been issued by the Single Window Agency (SWA) of the government of Meghalaya to these four units and the owners of the other coke oven units have not reached the stage for obtaining either Consent to Establish (CTE) or CTO.