Quarterly Progress Report related to Implementation of action points of action plan for 15 non-attainment cities of Uttar Pradesh, 12/01/2021
Submission of Quarterly Progress Report related to Implementation of action points of action plan for 15 non-attainment cities of Uttar Pradesh in compliance of National Green Tribunal (NGT) order of August 21, 2020.

As per the assessment done on the basis of CPCB norms for establishment of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMSs), 51 CAAQMSs were required in 15 Non-Attainment Cities (NACs). Against this requirement, 17 stations have already been installed and were functional and new CAAQMSs have been planned for installation.
Comprehensive Source Apportionment/ Emission Inventory Studies for Kanpur, Agra and Ghaziabad has been completed. For rest of the 9 NACs, the source apportionment/ Emission inventory studies based upon available data has been initiated. Uttar Pradesh has prepared an Action Plan for prevention and control of stubble burning for the year 2021 and the Action plan for control of noise pollution has been revised and submitted to CPCB, January 8, 2021, the report said.
Note: The report of January 12, 2021 was uploaded to the NGT site on February 17, 2021