Order of the Bombay High Court regarding door to door COVID-19 vaccination for elderly and disabled citizens, 22/04/2021
Order of the Bombay High Court in the matter of Dhruti Kapadia & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 22/04/2021.
The petitioners (practicing advocates) filed the application appealing for door to door vaccination for elderly and disabled citizens. Affidavit filed on behalf of Union of India stated that door to door policy for COVID-19 vaccines is difficult as in case of any adverse event following immunization (AEFI), patient management may not be proper and there could be delay in reaching the health facility. Further, the vaccine would be placed in an out of vaccine carrier for each vaccination thereby increasing chances of contamination and exposure beyond recommended temperature which could affect vaccine efficacy. There is also the possibility of high vaccine wastage due to time spent on going from door to door - entails more time for reaching out to each beneficiary.

The court opined that reasons put forward by the Union of India in its affidavit, eventhough they form part of a policy decision of the Central Government, need to be revisited. Additional Solicitor General, assured the court that the decision of the Union of India not to initiate door to door vaccination programme for COVID-19 would be given a relook within two weeks.