Report by the Roads & Buildings Department, Telangana on allegations of flouting of environmental norms while demolishing the old secretariat building, Telangana, 08/04/2021
Reply by Roads & Buildings Department, Telangana in the matter of Anumula Revanth Reddy Vs Union of India & Others dated 08/04/2021.
The matter related to allegations of flouting of environmental norms while demolishing the old secretariat building, Telangana.

The State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) had issued Environmental Clearance (EC) to the proposed Secretariat construction to the Telangana government on September 1, 2020. Subsequently, the SEIAA issued an amendment to the EC due to an increase of built up area on September 25, 2020. The Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) issued a Consent for Establishment (CFE) to the Roads & Buildings Department, Telangana for construction of Secretariat Complex.
The report stated that Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) had accorded permission to Roads & Buildings Department for demolishing the old Secretariat Building complex with certain conditions. Prior to the demolition of existing buildings, necessary permissions were taken, issued in compliance with law. All the draft plans and designs were very much ready with the department, before dismantling the existing structures. Further, the C&D waste management plan was submitted to the GHMC and approval obtained and the same was followed and debris were not dumped at Jawahar Nagar dump yard, but transported to Jeedimetla where sufficient dump yard is available. The debris was segregated category wise - plastic, wood, steel, electrical and others and transported with utmost care. Water was continuously sprinkled during dismantling to suppress the dust.
Further, Hussain Sagar lake is situated about 80 metres away from the Secretariat Building complex and in between a four lane road is situated and there is no possibility of construction and demolition waste run-off to the lake which would cause pollution.
Note: The report of April 8, 2021 was uploaded to the NGT site on April 26, 2021