Order of the Supreme Court of India on steps taken to ameliorate the conditions of the stranded migrant workers, 13/05/2021
Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of 'In Re: Problems and miseries of migrant labourers' dated 13/05/2021. The matter related to problems faced by migrant labourers due to COVID-19 imposed lockdown.

The apex court directed the Central Government and governments of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana to file a reply on the measures by which the miseries of stranded migrant labourers can be ameliorated. The states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Bihar have asked to file their reply giving the details of the measures which they propose to take to improve the conditions of the migrant workers with respect to transportation of migrant labourers and provision for dry ration as well as cooked meals to the stranded workers.
The SC also issued the following interim directions:
1. Dry ration to migrant workers in National Capital Region under Atma Nirbhar Bharat Scheme or any other scheme be provided by the Union of India, NCT of Delhi, State of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana utilising the Public Distribution System prevalent in each state with effect from May, 2021. While providing dry ration the authorities of the States should not insist on an identity card for those migrant labourers.
(2) NCT of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana (for the districts included in the NCR) must ensure that adequate transport is provided to stranded migrant labourers who want to return to their home.
(3) Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana (for the districts included in the NCR) must open community kitchens at well advertised places (in the NCR) for stranded migrant labourers so that they and their family members who are stranded could get two meals a day.