Order of the Rajasthan High Court regarding availability of the ventilators for COVID-19 patients in Rajasthan, 19/05/2021
Order of the Rajasthan High Court in the matter of Vijay Pathak Vs The State of Rajasthan dated 19/05/2021 regarding availability of the ventilators for COVID-19 patients in Rajasthan.
An application was filed before the Rajasthan High Court stating that ventilator beds in Hindaun city hospital for patients do not have operational ventilators.
The Advocate General has informed the HC that a total of 34 ventilators are available in district Karauli, and from among them, 18 such ventilators have been made operational and 9 have been placed for use in Hindaun city hospital and 9 have been placed at Karauli hospital. Thus, out of the 34 ventilators, 18 ventilators are operational and for remaining 16 ventilators which are defective, notices have been sent to the manufacturers to immediately get the same operational at the earliest.

The Rajasthan High Court directed the state government to consider making a policy decision on the issue of maintenance of ventilators as well as life saving equipment available in all government hospitals in Rajasthan. The objective is to try and ensure operational availability of all such life saving equipment at any time.