Order of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh regarding treatment of black fungus patients, Andhra Pradesh, 07/06/2021
Order of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh, Amravati dated 07/06/2021. The matter related to drugs for treating black fungus cases in Andhra Pradesh.
The court said that the drug (Liposomal Amphotericin B) allocated by the Union of India to Andhra Pradesh is not sufficient to treat the patients of black fungus.

The court was informed that there are many more diseases which could develop in patients after they recover from Covid-19 and one such disease is called multi system inflammatory syndrome in children, also called ‘MIS-N’ in neonatals. The Andhra Pradesh High Court directed the state government to "consider inclusion of the said disease in children in Aryogya Sree Scheme" and creating more neonatal and pediatric wards to cater to the situation.
The state government had issued an order 'Covid Instant Order 80', wherein services of the final year MBBS students, final year nursing students are being taken by paying honorarium and the court directed the state to file a memo of compliance with respect to that order. As the said order does not deal with paramedical staff, the state was also asked to file a meme on the steps taken to recruit paramedical staff.
The Union of India has to file a status report on the matter of allocation of drugs to different states for treating black fungus, the order said.