Joint committee report on a glue factory, Paloor village, Pernambut taluk, Vellore district, Tamil Nadu, 01/04/2021
Joint Committee report in Original Application No 68 of 2016 in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order, February 23, 2021.
The matter related to M/s Quality Glue factory located in Paloor village, Pernambut taluk, Vellore district, Tamil Nadu and manufacturing glue from unwashed/washed animal skin cuttings. The unit is a small scale manufacturing unit functioning since 1991.

The joint committee in its report to the NGT said that the report of the Central Ground Water Board has stated that there is no significant rise in TDS values in the downstream side of Quality Glue factory and that the high TDS values in the study area "may not be due to the respondent factory".
The committee recommended regular groundwater quality monitoring two times in a year - which would yield more factual information on this issue. The unit must be directed to provide agitated thin film dryer instead of existing rotary drum dryer for efficient reject management system and shall not utilize the solar evaporation pan and obtain NOC for groundwater withdrawal and pay necessary fees for consumption of groundwater.
Note: The Joint Committee report of April 2021 was made available online on the NGT website, June 15, 2021