Report on the proposed cement grinding unit of M/s. Sanghi Cement at Suvali village, Hazira, Gujarat, 27/07/2021
Report of the Special Expert Committee as per the National Green Tribunal order, January 21, 2021 in Appeal No. 36/2020 (Larsen & Toubro Limited Vs Sanghi Industries Limited & Others).
The matter related to the proposed cement grinding unit of of M/s. Sanghi Cement at Suvali village, Hazira, Gujarat for which prior Environment Clearance (EC) was accorded by State Level Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) Gujarat on August 23, 2019 under the provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006.

The NGT had directed the committee to look into the assessment of carrying and load bearing capacity of the Panchayat road and evaluation of EIA and EMP prepared by the project proponent to the EAC of the MoEF&CC dealing with the cement plants, along with the representatives of CPCB, NEERI and IIT Mumbai.
The report recommended M/s. SIL to develop a green belt of 15 meters width around the boundary limits of its factory by planting native and high foliage trees with a tree density of 2500 trees per hectare. Coal has to be stored in the covered shed and fly ash in silos. M/s SIL should use ultra-low NOx burner, flue gas recirculation and auto combustion control system.
As all the industries in this area are likely to augment their respective capacities in future and this would require periodical maintenance and strengthening of the village panchayat road presently being used by all the industries in the area. It was therefore suggested that the Surat Urban Development Authority which is maintaining the road may be directed to ensure the periodic maintenance and strengthening of the village panchayat road in question in future, the report said.