UPPCB report on violation of environmental norms by Sir Shadilal Enterprises, Shamli, Uttar Pradesh, 26/07/2021
Report filed by the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board in compliance to the National Green Tribunal (NGT) order, January 7, 2021 in O.A. No. 301/2020 titled Satyapal Singh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh.
The NGT had directed the state PCB to look into the alleged violation of environmental norms by Sir Shadilal Enterprises, Shamli, Uttar Pradesh. It was alleged that the mill was discharging untreated effluents in the drain and fly ash was not being scientifically managed.

The report pointed out that the sugar unit established in the year 1933 is within the limits of Nagar Palika Parishad, Shamli and is heavily surrounded by nearby human population, commercial activities and academic institutions.
Ambient air quality monitoring showed parameters above the prescribed standards mainly owing to poor maintenance / housekeeping carried out by the industry due to which boiler ash and bagasse is being spread in the nearby areas. Movements of heavy vehicles also contributed to poor air quality.
Bagasse yard is not covered by high boundaries/green cover. Automated water sprinkling has not been developed in the bagasse handling area and storage yard. Dumps of fly ash were also seen outside the industry premises on the side of roads.