Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding violation of environmental norms by a CBWT facility, village Saalpur Navadiya, district Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 27/07/2021
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mukul Kumar Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 27/07/2021.

The matter related to violation of Biomedical Management Rules, 2016 (BMW Rules) by SP Green Light Environment Waste Management LLP (SPGLEWML), Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh in operating a Common Biomedical Waste Treatment (CBWT) facility situated at village Saalpur Navadiya Pargana, Miranpur Katra, tehsil Tilhar, district Shahjahanpur.
The court noted that the District Environment Plan prepared for Bareilly filed by the Oversight Committee does not make any mention of details of bio-medical waste on quantification, regulation enforcement, common treatment facilities, and others. The NGT directed the District Magistrate, Bareilly to update the District Environment Plan by including the subject of compliance of BMW Rules.
The NGT also ordered the constitution of a four member joint committee comprising CPCB, State PCB, District Magistrate, Bareilly and the Nodal Officer, Biomedical Waste Department of Medical and Health, Kaiserbagh, Lucknow to ascertain the status of compliance of BMW Rules, 2016 as well NGT orders and the CPCB guidelines on the subject.