Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal mining at Som Bhadra river, Una district, Himachal Pradesh, 30/07/2021
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Amandeep Vs State of Himachal Pradesh dated 30/07/2021.
Grievance in the application is against illegal mining at Som Bhadra river (Swan river) in district Una of Himachal Pradesh.
The NGT directed the Chief Secretary and D.G.P., Himachal Pradesh to hold their in-house brainstorming on the subject with all concerned departments/authorities and set their house in order to uphold the law instead of private interests of law violators, the order, July 30, 2021 said.

The concerned authorities have been directed to take stock of the situation and plan further course of action to prevent illegal mining, register criminal cases for offences involved, ensure seizure of vehicles involved in illegal mining and take action for cancellation of leases for violations. The court also ordered that carrying capacity be done to determine the number of leases to be granted and the distance to be maintained for the same.