Objections filed by M/s Royal Sand and Gravels Pvt. Ltd., Palakkad, Kerala, 29/10/2021
Objections filed by M/s Royal Sand and Gravels Pvt. Ltd. (Palakkad, Kerala) to the report and status report of the work done by the Joint Committee dated 29/10/2021.

The quarry site, in order to be readied for commencing quarrying operations had to be cleared of all over burden/topsoil from the proposed quarrying area. Removal of this over burden/topsoil has to be done carefully and in a scientific manner. Additionally, the respondent (M/s Royal Sand and Gravels) is cast with a legal responsibility under the terms of the quarrying lease as well as the environmental clearance to remove the over burden /topsoil and stack/store them safely outside the lease area in a land owned by this respondent for the purpose of utilising the same at the time of mine closure.