Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding discharge of hazardous chemical wastes into sewer, Udyog Kendra 2, Ecotech III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 29/10/2021
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jasgun Vs Utkarsh Gupta dated 29/10/2021. Grievance in this application is against discharge of hazardous chemical wastes (cyanide, chromium) into sewer at Udyog Kendra 2, Ecotech III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.

A report filed by the joint committee of CPCB and the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, October 21, 2021 informed the court that during inspection of the unit, no electroplating work was observed and no plant machinery was found installed for cyanide, chrome and any other type of plating in the manufacturing premises. The report said that the unit is not registered with the UPPCB under white category. The unit is required to be registered with the UPPCB under white category and must inform the SPCB with all details about raw materials, manufacturing process, water consumption, solid waste generation.
The NGT disposed of the application and said that no further order appears to be necessary.