Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding illegal mining, Rithoj village, Gurugram district, Haryana, 10/11/2021
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of H. S. Khatana Vs State of Haryana dated 10/11/2021.

Grievance in the application is against illegal mining in private and panchayat land to the detriment of the environment at village Rithoj, district Gurugram, Haryana. It is stated that mining is being done without requisite permission and in an unscientific manner, resulting in depletion of water table, green cover and damage to the water bodies.
In view of the above, the NGT directed a joint Committee of Haryana State PCB, SEIAA, Haryana and District Magistrate, Gurugram to ascertain facts and furnish a factual and action taken report in the matter. The State PCB will be the nodal agency for compliance. The Committee may meet within two weeks and file its report within two months.