Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding compliance of waste management rules at railway compartments, stations, tracks and removal of encroachments from the railway properties, 18/11/2021
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Saloni Singh & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 18/11/2021.
The issue for consideration is compliance of Plastic and Solid Waste Management Rules at railway compartments, stations, tracks and removal of encroachments from the railway properties, preventing the unlawful discharge of effluents and judicious management of water, including its recycling and re-use by the Railways.
The NGT, November 18, 2021 directed that in the interest of hygiene, public health and clean environment, it is necessary that the Railway Board ensures development of model design plan/SoP to enable individual stations to evolve a suitable environment management plan covering all aspects of waste management.
The stations need to have either agreement with the local body to connect sewer to the STP or have its own STP with disinfection system to utilize treated effluent for non-potable use. Waste from bio-toilets must be evacuated and conveyed to fecal sludge and sewage treatment plants - these were some of the directions passed by the NGT in the case.