Joint Committee report on edible oil industries in Krishnapatnam Port region in SPSR Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh, 24/11/2021
Action taken report in the matter of Original Application No. 221/2015 submitted to the National Green Tribunal, Southern Bench, Chennai in compliance to the NGT order, September 16, 2021. Seven edible oil industries are operating in Krishnapatnam Port region in SPSR Nellore district.
The applicant, Isanaka Vedavathi submitted a representation stating that pollution has been caused by edible oil units. The NGT, Southern Bench vide order, March 16, 2020 appointed a joint committee to ascertain the status of functioning of edible oil refinery units at Krishnapatnam.

In compliance with the NGT order, March 16, 2020, the committee inspected the edible units in October 2020 and submitted the report during December, 2020. Out of seven units operating in the region, five edible oil units raised objections to the committee report.
NGT vide order, March 3, 2021 directed the committee to go into the objections and come with their findings on that aspect. The representatives of the edible oil industries informed that they have complied with violations observed by the Joint committee during their inspections held during 29th to 30th October, 2020 and 29th to 30th July, 2021.
Since the industries have taken corrective measures and are currently complying with the stipulated standards and with the directions issued by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB), on these grounds the industries requested the Joint committee to waive-off the Environmental Compensation. The Committee clarified that the Environmental Compensation is for the earlier period but not for the recent period.