Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding loss of life due to landslide at Dadam mining zone, Tosham block, Bhiwani District of Haryana, 03/01/2022
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of News item published in The Indian Express Newspaper dated 02.01.2022 titled “Four killed in Haryana mine landslide” dated 03/01/2021.

Four persons died and several others were injured in a landslide at Dadam mining zone in Tosham block of Bhiwani District of Haryana, January 1, 2022. Death was due to large scale unscientific mining.
Since the project proponent (PP) is accountable under the principle of absolute liability, it is necessary to ascertain whether the deceased have been given adequate compensation. Further, it is necessary to ascertain the status of compliance of environmental norms and extent of damage to the environment, the NGT order read.
The NGT directed the constitution of a eight member joint Committee to look into the matter. The joint committee would undertake visit to the site and interact with the stakeholders to ascertain the extent of violations, extent of damage to the environment and to the human lives, extent of compensation paid and payable, safety precautions taken and required to be taken, steps to prevent recurrence of such happenings in future by the PP and the statutory regulators.
The Tribunal directed that the report must be furnished before the NGT within two months and listed the matter for further consideration, April 5, 2022.