Report by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board on ornamental fish culture ponds,Devampattu village, Tiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu, 06/01/2022
Report filed on behalf of the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board in the matter of C. Ramu Vs District Collector, Tiruvallur district & Others dated 06/01/2022.
The matter related to ornamental fish culture ponds located in Devampattu village, July 9, 2021.

During inspection, waste water samples were collected in the discharge points of vannameen culture ponds. The waste water samples were analysed in the TNPCB lab and according to the report except the total dissolved solids (TDS) and chlorides, all other parameters were within the prescribed standards, for effluent discharge into inland water bodies. The TDS exceeds the permissible limit and this is because of the nature of high TDS in the groundwater of the area and withdrawal of higher quantity of groundwater for the fish culture activity.
The complainant, Ramu, Devampattu stated that due to the construction of earthen ponds with high raise earthen bunds, the rain water does not drain properly leading to inundation of crops and loss of revenue and hence had objected to fish culture in the agricultural lands.
The report by the Fisheries Department stated that the aquaculture/ fish pond units were in operation in the wet agricultural lands without obtaining NOC from the groundwater department. The aqua/shrimp farms must be established and operated in compliance with guidelines for shrimp farms as per the Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act, 2005.