Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding remedying unscientific legacy waste dumped near Nagla Kolhu, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, 05/01/2022
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Hem Singh Yog, Deendayal Upadhyay Vichar Manch Vs State of Uttar Pradesh dated 05/01/2021. The application seeks execution of NGT Order, March 4, 2021 on the issue of remedying unscientific legacy waste dumped near Nagla Kolhu in Mathura Municipal Council/TTZ area.
The action taken report filed by the joint committee comprising the CPCB and UPPCB, November 9, 2021 informed the NGT that Municipal Corporation, Mathura has engaged a firm named on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode for carrying out operations at Material Recovery Facility (MRF) Nagla Kolhu. Leachate collection tank is operational within the premise of SWM Plant Nagla Kolhu. At present the collected leachate from the tank is further transported to the nearest STP for necessary treatment in a safe manner. Further, the organic waste to Compost (OWC) plant of capacity 5 TPD near Hazarimal Somani ground, Vrindavan has been successfully installed and has been made operational. Mathura Vrindavan Municipal Corporation has already remediated legacy waste dump site at Mat road where 11259 MT legacy waste was remediated clearing the dump site completely, the report to the NGT said.
The NGT, taking into consideration the above report directed that further remedial action may be taken which may include adequately designed waste processing facility to cater the daily waste generated, proper leachate treatment and overall compliance to the MSW and PWM Rules and monitored at the level of the Additional Chief Secretary, Urban Development, Uttar Pradesh and the Oversight Committee headed by Justice SVS Rathore, former Judge, Allahabad High Court.