Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding pollution caused by a textile industry, Surat, Gujarat, 16/02/2022
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sushant Tripathi Vs State of Gujarat dated 16/02/2022. Grievance in the application is against inaction by the statutory regulators against air pollution caused in the course of industrial activities of Sai Jyoti Fashion Pvt. Ltd., Surat, without requisite pollution control equipments, adversely affecting the environment and public health.
A factual and action taken report by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board and the District Magistrate, Surat stated that t M/s Sai Jyoti Fashion Pvt. Ltd. has stopped functioning and dismantled the plant and it has now been taken over by by M/s Aiswarya Dyeing Pvt. Ltd. The new establishment has taken CTE and is in the process of installing necessary equipment. The Regional Officer, GPCB is present in person and states that CTO will be granted only after ensuring that necessary pollution control equipment is installed.

The NGT said that no further order appeared to be necessary and disposed of the application.