Judgment of the National Green Tribunal regarding exploitation of groundwater in Uttar Pradesh, 25/02/2022
Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sushil Bhatt Vs Moon Beverages Ltd & Others dated 25/02/2022.
The matter deals with the notification, September 24, 2020 laying down guidelines to regulate and control ground water abstraction in India and exploitation of groundwater in stressed areas by industries Moon Beverages Ltd (Gautam Buddha Nagar), Moon Beverages Ltd (Ghaziabad) and Varun Beverages Ltd. (Greater Noida).

The NGT directed:
1. Moon Beverages Ltd. (Gautam Buddha Nagar) to pay Rs. 1,85,38,350/- as environmental compensation within one month
2. Moon Beverage Ltd. (Ghaziabad) to pay Rs. Rs. 13,24,80,000/- as environmental compensation within two months
3. Varun Beverages Ltd. (Greater NOIDA) to pay Rs. 9,71,33,440/- as environmental compensation within two months.
The NGT also directed the constitution of a joint committee of CPCB, CGWA, UPGWD and UPPCB to conduct survey in Uttar Pradesh and prepare data of various categories drawing ground water for commercial purposes, study impact assessment, suggest ways and modes to reduce ground water extraction in overexploited, critical or semi-critical areas, and how ground water level can be improved. The Committee may induct any other expert as it may find necessary.