Joint Committee report on mine landslide, village Dadam, Bhiwani, Haryana, 01/04/2022
Joint Committee report in compliance to the NGT order, January 3, 2022.

The matter related to the death of four in the Haryana mine landslide - an accident occurred in the mine lease area of M/s Govardhan Mines and Mineral, village Dadam, Bhiwani, January 1, 2022.
The committee said that violations were found in observing the conditions of environmental clearances. Unscientific mining was observed - no benches and proper slopes have been observed at the accidental area as well as other active sites. No safety zone inside the leased mining boundary was observed and the green belt of 7.5 metre width along the lease boundary within the lease area has been mined by the project proponent. Precautionary measures and safety norms for natural dip and fractured rocks were not followed.
The report concluded by stating that overall the project proponent had not followed scientific mining, not maintained a safety zone and green belt of 7.5 meter of width and also not followed precautionary measures and safety norms.