Reply to the NGT by J.K.N. Purvanchal, CBWTF works, village Pahadpur, district Deoria, Uttar Pradesh, 02/05/2022
Reply by the project proponent, M/s J.K.N. Purvanchal, CBWTF works, village Pahadpur, post Gotha Rasoolpur, district Deoria, Uttar Pradesh.
The project is for the disbursal of medical waste in three districts adjacent to the proposed plant area. Also no plant exists nearby in the district except the proposed plant. The NOC and environment clearance was granted by the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board after the spot inspection and holding an open meeting at the location where the proposed plant is scheduled. At the time of the spot inspection the local villagers were also called for their opinion and after considering and redressing the grievances of the local resident as well as the guideline enumerated in the rules framed by the Central Pollution Control Board, December 21, 2016, environment clearance and NOC was granted.

The allegations with regard to the establishment of the unit near the human habitation is false. The officer of the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, visited the site and a spot enquiry was conducted and it was found that the distance between the plant and the notified residential area is almost 200 meters.