Joint committee report on the reported discharge of fly ash slurry into Khirna Nallah by M/s M.B. Power, village Laharpur, Anuppur district, Madhya Pradesh, 18/05/2022
Joint committee report in compliance of the National Green Tribunal order, March 10, 2022 in OA No. 364/2021 in the matter of Santosh Ram Vs State of Madhya Pradesh.
The court had sought a factual report from a joint committee with regard to the status of discharge of fly ash slurry in Khirna storm water drain by M/s M.B. Power (Madhya Pradesh) Ltd., village Laharpur, Anuppur district, Madhya Pradesh.

The report said that no discharge of fly ash slurry into Khirna Nallah was observed during the site visit and disposal of ash in low lying areas as in line with the consent conditions and the CPCB guidelines. The joint committee observed that the ash pond is having an HDPE lining. The low lying areas where ash is disposed of shall be kept under surveillance to understand the long term ground water contamination (if any).
The committee members visited the site, April 30 and May 1, 2022.