Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding sand mining, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 30/05/2022
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Daljeet Singh Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 30/05/2022.
The application was filed requesting for issue of directions to the state of Uttar Pradesh to conduct a replenishment study of all rivers in district Saharanpur and prepare a fresh District Survey Report in compliance with the (Enforcement & Monitoring Guidelines for Sand Mining) EMGSM 2020 after duly considering the results of the replenishment study. Further, quash and set-aside the District Survey Report for district Saharanpur prepared in 2017.

The NGT, directed that till further orders, no lease should be commenced in any of the mining sites in district Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh before completion of replenishment study, updation of DSR and grant of environmental clearance/CTE/CTO on the basis thereof in accordance with SSMG, 2016 and EMGSM, 2020.