Joint committee report on the proposed construction of a commercial complex project of DMRC, Bhikaji Cama Place, Delhi, 20/06/2022
Report of Joint Committee in pursuance of the National Green Tribunal order, 23/02/2022 in EA No. 06/2022 in OA No. 651/2019 (Shobha Agarwal Vs Delhi Metro Rail Corporation & Others).
The matter related to the proposed construction of a commercial complex project of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation at Bhikaji Cama Place.
Based on the site visit and perusal of the information submitted by the DMRC, the committee noted that no construction work for the proposed commercial complex was found and only barricading had been made to secure the land.

The DMRC has confirmed that change of land use from 'recreation (district park)' to 'transportation' is still under consideration at the level of DDA. Accordingly, DMRC has stopped all construction activities pertaining to the commercial complex. DMRC has not submitted any application before the DPCC to get consent/clearance for the proposed commercial complex.
The committee recommended that DMRC should submit an Environment Impact Assessment study to the DDA for the proposed development to assess the actual quantum of impact on the traffic, air quality and overall environment and ecology of the area. DMRC should obtain all statutory clearances/NOCs from concerned agencies after getting the permission of the land use from DDA.