Quarterly progress report by Punjab on the state of environment, 26/07/2022
Quarterly progress report (April - June 2022) by the Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Punjab in OA No 606 of 2018.
The NGT vide its various orders in the matter of OA No. 606/2018 had directed states to submit information on solid waste rules; bio-medical waste rules; construction and demolition waste; hazardous waste rules; e-waste rules; status of STPs and re-use of treated water; status of CETPs/ETPs including performance; illegal sand mining; rejuvenation of water bodies among others.
Some of the main highlights of the report were the following:
- At present, the total bio-medical waste generation per day is 17 TPD and the same is being treated at five common bio-medical waste facilities installed in Mohali, Pathankot, Ludhiana, Muktsar and Amritsar
- Department of Environment has installed 11 real time monitoring stations for monitoring the water quality of river Beas, Sutlej, Ghaggar and Budha Nallah. Department of Environment in collaboration with IIT, Ropar is also developing low cost sensors to monitor various parameters of water quality - pH, TDS, conductivity, BOD, DO and COD. IIT, Ropar has developed the single node sensors for aforesaid parameters and pilot scale trials have been performed successfully. The project would be completed by July 31, 2022
- Out of 101 existing sewage treatment plants (STP), treated waste water of 57 STPs being reused having command area of 8326.8 hectares. 90 KLD of treated wastewater used for water sprinkling of around 8 5 km of road length to control dust emissions
- Under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Seenchai Yojna, water harvesting structures have been constructed
- Punjab farmers have shown keen interest in direct seeding of rice (DSR) during the current paddy season, bringing 6.01 lakh hectares (15.02 lakh acres) under this innovative technology which requires 10-15 per cent less water along with other benefits
- The 15000 village ponds in the state have been desilted every year before onset of monsoons for recharging of ground water to a greater extent
- The state had prepared action plans to control air pollution in 9 non-attainment cities (Mandi Gobindgarh, Khanna, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Amritsar, Derabassi, Patiala, Dera Baba Nanak and Nangal) of Punjab. The progress of these action plans is being monitored on monthly basis by District Level Committees under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioners, Air Quality Monitoring Committee (AQMC) under Principal Secretary, Environment and State Apex Committee under Chief Secretary, Punjab.