Old diesel generator sets must be discarded and replaced with new ones: NGT
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Satish Govind Vs President and Secretary, Windsor Park Residents Welfare Association & Others dated 01/11/2022.
The NGT, November 1, 2022 directed that diesel generator having live of more than 15 years de discarded and replaced by equipments run on cleaner fuel and must be compliant with norms including proper stack height. This must be ensured by the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board and the District Magistrate, Ghaziabad.
The court order was in response to the application filed by Satish Govind, March 11, 2022 which talked about the violation of air quality norms by operation of diesel generators by the Management Board of the Windsor Park Residents Welfare Association (WPRWA) at Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
The Windsor Park society has 12 towers of 10 to 23 floors, but the chimneys of all the DG sets end right above the DG sets and thereby all the exhaust emissions are released at the ground floor level.The chimneys are not extended to above the roof heights of the residential towers, the applicant said.