Joint committee report on biomedical waste management in Udaipur, 10/11/2022
Joint Committee inspection report in the matter of Kailash Kumar Changani Vs State of Rajasthan & Others. The matter related to violation of the Bio Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 by wrongly operating CBWTF at RNT Medical College, Udaipur - wherein more than half of the waste is not being treated and is being dumped at Balicha dumping ground, Udaipur which is owned by the Udaipur Municipal Corporation. There is a huge gap in the generation of bio medical waste and capacity to treat it.

Proper segregation of bio medical waste is not being done at the Ravindra Nath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur. Lack of segregation practices results in the mixing of hospital wastes with general wastes, a joint committee inspection report said.
The hospital has provided an isolated centralized BMW storage facility. It was observed that the BMW and MSW are being stored separately but at common location hence the possibility of interchanging of waste bags may not be ruled out. As per the waste collection data of common bio-medical waste treatment facility (CBWTF) it was observed that less quantity of plastic waste reached for treatment hence the possibility of its pilferage from the wards may not be ruled out.
It was observed that at RNT Medical College and at most of the non bedded health care facilities (HCF) - have still not adopted the bar code system for waste tracking. In this type of situation it is very difficult to trace out the source of biomedical waste dumped at Balicha dumping ground, Udaipur. The medical waste generated from households is being dumped at Balicha dumping ground. Hence the possibility of biomedical waste dumping by non-member HCFs may not be ruled out, the report said, November 10, 2022.