Reply filed by the Upper Doab Sugar Mills and Sir Shadi Lal Enterprise on steps taken to control pollution and protect environment, 01/12/2022
Additional reply filed by the Upper Doab Sugar Mills and Sir Shadi Lal Enterprises Ltd. in response to the National Green Tribunal order, November 4, 2022.
Upper Doab Sugar Mills, village Shamli has a distillery unit 'Shamli Distillery & Chemical Works' within the premises of the sugar unit. At the time of the establishment of the industry in 1933, there were no residential homes around or near the company units and all the surrounding areas were used for agricultural purposes. And at the time of the establishment of both the units, the area was declared an industrial area. In 1982, the Upper Doab Sugar Mills was renamed Sir Shadi Lal Enterprises Limited.

The dumping yard of fly ash is within the boundary wall having a height of about 12 ft. The height of the chimney of the distillery unit is 72 m which is as per the UPPCB norms. During transportation of the fly ash from industry to dumping yard, all the trollies are fully covered by alkathene sheet or tarpaulin and thus there is no possibility of it spreading during the transportation. After dumping the fly ash in the dumping yard, water is sprinkled where ash is dumped to avoid spreading in the air. With regard to final dumping of fly ash from the dumping yard, local farmers and other persons who require the ash for filling their uneven lands, ditches, for construction of road - pick the fly ash from the dumping yard by submitting applications after complying with conditions and directed provided by Sir Shadi Lal Enterprises.
A unit of Shadi Lal Enterprises, Shamli Distillery and Chemical Works has installed slope fired boiler as per directions and norms of the UPPCB and the CPCB. There is no discharge from the slope fired boiler. The sugar industry informed the NGT that under the project Miyawaki and as per the directions of the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board different species of trees and plants were planted. With regard to the storage and burning of biogas generated by the distillery unit's anaerobic reactor in its condensate polishing unit for the distillery - the company has made arrangements to store and burn the biogas generated through a flare system.