Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of disposal of construction debris into the Yamuna river during the course of widening of Delhi – Yamunotri National Highway, Uttarkashi, 04/01/2023
Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sunil Thapliyal Vs State of Uttarakhand dated 04/01/2023.
Sunil Thapliyal, Samajik Chetna Ki Buland Awaaz Group in his application to the NGT said that during widening of Delhi – Yamunotri National Highway from Khaneda Khadd to Kuthnour downstream, a lot of muck/construction waste and debris was directly dumped in Yamuna river damaging ecology, trees, flora and fauna of the river and nearby area. It has also resulted in change of river flow from its mainstream. Thousands of tons of debris are still lying on the bed un-lifted damaging the fragile ecosystem.
A joint committee comprising the Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board and and District Magistrate, Uttarkashi was directed by the NGT to visit the affected area, collect relevant information and submit a factual report as well as action taken, if any, report within two months. District Magistrate, Uttarkashi will be the nodal agency for coordination and compliance.